Saturday, May 11, 2013

God - A question or an answer

God is mystery to all of us. Most of us are raised in a religious environment. And in our life God's introduction comes 1st then reason. And soon enough we start believing without questioning and never ask any question on God's existence and most of us never will.But today let me raise this question and hope you will also feel free to ask this question to yourselves I have asked this question to myself many times and concluded that there isn't any God. Now when I look at the definition of God it clearly shows that this is an evolved concept and it is not anything great its very simple concept yet powerful to convince a primitive mind. 
And when I concluded that there is any god it's not because of misery/crime or anything related to life and condition of our small tiny blue ball. It's because we don't need a creator. Concept of God came into existence because as Human curiosity we always asked questions to ourselves over and over again, What is aim of our life? From where we came? and so on. 

And people answered these questions with God, because its simple and its abstract. It hide all complexity and give a very simple answer to a how number of questions. Easy to accept because as Humans we always assumes that things need a creator. And within this answer we also dozed a question on creator of ultimate creator. There isn't any explanation on how god came into existence, what he was doing before we came into existence, what is his purpose and more. So because of this only I previously said this is a good answer for a primitive mind but when you go deeper you can feel that it's a shallow answer. 

God is unwanted entity, we can simple assert that Universe is eternal because there was no time/space existed without it. Universe is the beginning of time and it will be end of time. But this answer will not give you a comfort of having an invisible being who cares for you and who can change things for prayers. So many of you will find it difficult to accept because of comfort as well as a deep sited faith.

1 comment:

  1. The God exists. It is as true as your existence and this is NOT faith but logical conclusion of everything happening in this creation. If NOT god then who else is running this show? You call him God or energy or Force or mystery or blah, blah.... the name does not matter but his doing does matter!
