Life :: Why? What? Aim?
Why there is life?
What is purpose of life?
Any aim of human life or life in general?
These question generally comes into everyone's mind. And based on upbringing of one's or his knowledge he try to find out answers of these questions.And a larger bunch of humans never got these questions as daily needs are enough for them.
These same questions are raised by many humans a long long ago. And few dark bright minded people answered these questions and widely accepted answers are still with us, passed from generations. And all those answers are linked with concept of God.
Without touching concept of God we will not able to go through all possible answers of these questions. And I am referring it as concept of God as its mere a concept, no logical reason and evidence available for it. But you are free to assume it a God or almighty or whatever you call it.
Lets head back to dark days of humanity. We were not that much evolved in science but still biologically evolved. At that time answers are like
Why? God created this universe and put human on it.
What? To test our moral character, good one will get eternal bliss and bad one will get eternal punishment.
Aim? Life's ultimate aim is to get united with God. After our death soul carries on with rebirth cycle to achieve its ultimate aim sooner or later.
These were answers from dark days. But still these are widely accepted as they are easy, they give us a good feeling that death is not just an end. And as we never want to die its a good way to feel good.
But with these answers few other questions popups like
Who created God? [Eternal is answers from various religious books no other option]
Who created evil? [Satan is answer or ultimately God as he/it is ultimate creator]
This list a going to be huge and I know you will be able to find out question yourselves.
But apart from these question I am not able to grasp why our soul needs Nirvana/Moksha/Eternal Bliss or whatever. What it will do after that? Are there any more challenges? Are there any rewards? What kind of rewards? How God will treat souls? Why fear of hell is required? Why greed of heaven is required to motivate good in humans?
And these answers came from books which were not aware about our beloved Earth/Sun and Universe. And still they talk about creator of this world and also claim that these books are word of God.
So for me these answers are garbage and I am ending it here only.
But now I have to find alternatives answers. So here are they
Why? Life is here because of favorable condition on this planet and we human evolved in millions of years.
What? Only aim of life is survival of species. For that our own survival and reproduction is required. And you can see proof of this around us. Every living being is involved in these only. But as humans we controlled reproduction to achieve a longer survival of our species.
Aim? Aim of life is to achieve higher inner peace. Means to satisfy our needs. Or we can say that we are slaves of our brain. There is no diving aim and for my god loving/fearing friends its a bitter truth.